Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Denver Cluster Meeting

On Saturday, March 13 Maja, Marnie, and Ashlee traveled to Colorado to meet with our wonderful leaders from the following alumnae clubs: Aurora, Evergreen, Colorado Springs, Denver, Evergreen, and Highlands Ranch. The meeting was held at the home of Lia Strahan of the Aurora Alumnae Club. It was a wonderful afternoon of sharing information and spending time with our sisters.

The Colorado alumnae leaders in attendance.

Colorado Spring Alumnae Club Emma Harper Turner Leadership Award nominee

Crazy sock game winners.

Thank you to those who spent their afternoon with us and we hope that you all will be able to join us at the Region Five Leadership Summit in Seattle, Washington on June 5, 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Honey Mustard Chicken with Roasted Potatoes

This recipe was submitted by Lia Gravino Strahan of the Aurora Alumnae Club and was served at the Region Five Denver Cluster Event on Saturday, March 13, 2010.

Honey Mustard Chicken with Roasted Potatoes

12 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
salt and pepper
6 tablespoons Dijon mustard
9 tablespoons honey
3 minced shallots
1 ½ tsp dried thyme
2 pounds red potatoes, cut in half
Olive oil and cooking spray

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Sprinkle chicken thighs with salt and pepper. Place in 2 13x9 glass baking pans lightly sprayed with cooking spray.
Combine mustard, honey, shallot and thyme in a small bowl, whisk to form a paste. Spread over the chicken thighs, covering them completely.
Add potatoes to the pan and spritz with cooking spray (use olive oil spray). Sprinkle potatoes with salt and pepper.
Bake uncovered for 50 minutes, turning the potatoes once about halfway through.

Monday, March 15, 2010

San Juan Pocket Day of Service

The San Juan Pocket's Day of Service was celebrated at a luncheon at member Victoria's home. Chairman Lisa Scott supplied a bounty of stickers and colored pens for decorating their bookplates. Lisa also updated the members on the Arrowmont task force on which she serves. The photo will appear in their local newspaper on March 11.

Monday, March 8, 2010

San Juan Pocket 10th Anniversary Celebration

Members of the San Juan Pocket decorated bookplates for children's books as part of National Day of Service and their 10th anniversary celebration. Here they hold a memento listing their pocket's community service and other accomplishments over the past decade. Seated is Lisa Gamel Scott, Colorado Alpha, who has been president of the group since its founding March 20, 2000. Standing from left are Mary Buckley Bailly, Colorado Beta; Carole Munroe Howard, Oregon Beta; Lynn Devaul Constan, Pennsylvania Beta and Marilyn Kelso Chipps, Missouri Alpha. In honor of their anniversary, the ladies are purchasing a wireless mike for Lifelong Learning Lectures and other educational programs at the Pagosa Springs Library.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Seattle Alumnae Club Literacy Walk

This year the Seattle Alumnae Club held its 5th annual literacy walk in Green Lake Park. Over 120 Pi Phis from two collegiate chapters and two alumnae clubs came to spread awareness, donate books, decorate bookplates, and just have fun. In the five years this event has been held, they have collected over 700 books and $1,300 for a total donation count of nearly 1,000 books. By partnering with the local organization Page Ahead, they are able to provide these books to children in Seattle and the surrounding areas. The day is enjoyed by all and has become something to look forward to for alumnae and collegians alike - a time to bring everyone together and do something to help their community all while enjoying a little exercise and some great company.